Frequently Asked Questions

  • Before we start the support I’ll ensure goals are realistic and age appropriate.

    I can never 100% guarantee results, no sleep coach can! But as long as you’re consistent and give me honest and detailed feedback so I can best advise you, there is absolutely no reason why you won’t see the results you want.

    Plus I will never end the support if you haven’t reached your goals yet!

  • Absolutely not!

    I will work with you during the consultation to explore your little one’s temperament and find what approach will best suit them and your parenting style.

    Some little ones get less upset with a more gentle approach, some get less upset with being given more space and independence. If you want a super slow and gentle method that takes a little longer to see results, we can always pause my support half way through for you to carry on with the plan, then pick up the support so you make the best of our time together.

    We will ensure good foundations are made before making any changes to the way your little one sleeps, to minimise upset.

  • Not at all.

    Some little ones still need night feeds up until they’re 12 months, some even later! I will work with you to determine what night feeds you think your little one needs and we’ll work around this.

  • There is so much information available on infant sleep which can come from all directions - friends, family, social media, Google search results. Have you found that it’s always different advice though? This is because there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to sleep. What worked for one little one won’t necessarily work for another.

    I’ll spend time learning about your little one’s temperament, the background to any sleep challenges, any other siblings you need to consider, childcare, your parenting style etc. There are so many factors to consider to come up with the approach that works best for you.

    Also, often when trying to help our little ones, we are just too close to things to see what’s best. It can be overwhelming. That’s where my support comes in, offering an outside perspective based on the science of sleep, and my experience.

  • Sleep deprivation is rough, I’ve been there! It can be super daunting to think about working on your little one’s sleep when you’re so exhausted yourself.

    This is why I break the support down into simple, easy to achieve steps. First we spend a few days working on laying foundations, so no changes to how your little one falls to sleep. Next we start working on bedtime for any changes to how your little one falls asleep. Only once this is going well do we move onto night waking, and naps.

    It can be far too overwhelming to work on everything from day 1. My staggered approach helps take away this overwhelm, and you can tackle things one day at a time.

  • I totally get that enlisting the support of a sleep coach is not cheap. Especially if you are on maternity leave - I’ve been there.! That’s why I offer payment plans to split the cost over either two or three months. Just ask me and I can provide more information on these options.

    To answer the question of how you can be sure it will be worth it, I guess only you will know how much meeting your goals is worth to you. I can only speak for myself when I say that when I hired a sleep coach when I was struggling with my little one’ sleep, it was worth every penny. Have a read of my testimonials to see how I have helped others.

  • I’ll be honest, only you can answer this! There are so many great sleep coaches out there and you will probably see good results with whoever you choose to work with. It’s really a case of picking who you think is the best fit for you and your family.

    Some factors to consider when choosing a sleep coach are:

    • Check what is included in the support. E.g. some will only offer 2 weeks which is not long if you want to do things properly, especially if you want a more gentle approach.

    • Ask for testimonials (you can see mine on my testimonials page here on my website).

    • Check your getting value for money. It’s true you get what you pay for, but most expensive doesn’t always equal more support. I pride myself on providing quality support, at an affordable price.

    • Speak to them! The best way to decide if you’re a good fit is to have a chat over the phone. Most sleep coaches offer a free discovery call, so take advantage of this and arrange a few calls (including me of course!)

Still have questions before getting started? Get in touch.