Hi, I’m Katie

I’m a certified infant sleep coach and founder of Snoozie Wonderland. And I love sleep!

I’ve always been fascinated by the science of sleep, and being someone who needs a lot to function, I value how important it is.

When I gave birth for the first time, I knew the sleepless nights were coming, and I wasn’t fazed. It’s normal for little ones to wake during the night, and I was fine with that!

But as the months rolled on and the naps were hard to come by, the night waking increased, and my little boy was becoming almost impossible to settle, I found myself horrendously sleep deprived.

I was exhausted, confused, overwhelmed, lonely, anxious and felt hopeless; I was at breaking point.

I read the online articles, bought the books, listened to advice (all different!) from friends and family, but none of it worked. What was I doing wrong!?

Worst of all, I knew my little one was not getting the sleep he needed.

I knew I had to reach out for help.

What was I doing wrong?

And so I reached out…

Receiving help for my little boy’s sleep not only gave me the tools and confidence to help my him sleep better. It inspired me to want to do the same for others, and so I decided to embark on my journey to become a sleep coach.

And now here I am,

working alongside sleep deprived families offering tailored, age-appropriate support that fits around your family and situation. I want you and your family to walk away from your time with me feeling well rested, confident, and reassured that your little one is getting the sleep they need.

I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and neither are you. Infant sleep is complicated!

You don’t need to feel like you’re on your own.

Oh, and by the way,

Arrange a free chat with me today!